

I love watching wild clouds of shorebirds, a tumbling, swirling murmuration, as they disappear over there, then reappear unexpectedly nearby as undulating ribbons: a double helix.

I wish people could twist and turn, transform, that nimbly. Cars, too. But a zygote waits 30 hours before it splits in two. And yesterday, when that car appeared out of nowhere, we couldn’t move fast enough, and it couldn’t stop. 

I’m OK. Dan hit his head, but the ER doc says he’s ok, too. Our car is not. 

I’d rather watch a murmuration than be one…

Rather be a murmuration than be nothing.


4 thoughts on “Murmurations”

  1. I was sitting in my parked car and hit twice. first at the corner rear bumper and second the front side panel. Car totaled. Had whiplash and PTSD. After a few years of fear and anxiety of being in a car, I found EMDR. I researched it and did it on my own, no therapist. After four 30 min sessions, fear and anxiety gone! Wow, it’s amazing!


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