Is There a Word for This?

“How do you feel about your daughter(s) doing that?” people ask with furrowed brows. Sarah, 25, climbs cliffs. Sophia, also 25, is training to row a 4-woman boat from San Francisco to Waikiki.

As toddlers, buckling into booster seats, they always checked their safety gear. Today, they still do. As little girls we told them, “You are strong and capable.” Today, they still are.

How do I feel? I need a word… that means terrified, awestruck, helpless, and proud. I haven’t found it. Maybe “mom” should be an adjective — that anyone can use — as in, “I’m feeling very mom today.”

Sarah, the author's daughter, on belay on a granite slab
Photo credit: Ankoni Lowman
Sophia, the author's daughter, rowing an open-ocean boat.
Photo credit: Kristin Burtch, Instagram


5 thoughts on “Is There a Word for This?”

  1. I am still terrified of what they are about to do and can’t imagine all the thoughts zooming through you. But I am also in awe and so happy that you raised them to have such confidence… unbelievable.


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