Braving the Thicket


A wooden walkway, zigzagging through a thicket with buds on branches about to open up and light up ahead.


Sometimes, when the world feels too heavy — prickly, erratic, unsafe, and infinitely inhumane — I retreat and hunker down in my cave, reading, writing, doomscrolling, and wishing things were different. Other times, I heed the call to venture out, to participate in the flow of life. That’s when I follow Mr. Rogers’ advice: “Look for the helpers.” Often, I discover that people I don’t even know have already scratched a passage through the thicket, so others can keep moving forward along their own, messy paths. I stop. Look. Breathe. Listen. There’s light up ahead, and all around are signs of spring. 


California poppies in a meadow of blowing grasses overlooking the bay.
A purple Douglas Iris, still unfolding.
Purple shooting stars reaching towards the sky on hillside of spring grass.


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