60 Reasons

Sunset over the fog-covered San Francisco Bay


Sixty reasons to wake tomorrow: Sunrise. Gotta pee. Husband. Kids. Partners. Grandkids. Mom. Brothers. In-laws. Old Friends. New Friends. Kids’ Friends. Neighbors. Colleagues. Activists. Celebrations. Memorials. Support Groups. Writing Salons. All dogs. Some cats. Fuzzy socks. Sunshine. Chocolate. Voting. Hot showers. Poetry. Painting. Biscuits. PJs. Books. Music. Nature walks. Plumbing. Rainbows. Refrigeration. Apples. Trees. Radio. Sunsets. Laughter. Tears. Redwoods. Waterfalls. Writing. Listening. Learning. Affirmations. Butterflies. Movies. Maps. Podcasts. Daydreams. Lightening. Surviving birth. Reading Mom’s old stories. Hugs. (If vaxed. And tested.) Reaching 30, then 50 (sick, but kicking). Birthdays. (I’m Turning 60 tomorrow.) Another chance to say, “I love you.”


1 thought on “60 Reasons”

  1. All of the above, plus:
    Sisters. Public radio and TV, libraries, parks, schools and universities. Current and former students. Free, open-source software (Linux, Python…). Snowshoes. Science. Cheese.


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